Param Pujya Madhav Gau Vigyan Anusandhan Sansthan

परम पूज्य माधव गौ विज्ञान अनुसंधान संस्थान

Param Pujya Madhav Gau Vigyan Anusandhan Sansthan

Ayurvedic Medication Unit

Units Ayurvedic Medication Unit

Ayurvedic Medication Unit

Our Prayer

Ayam Me Hasto Bhagwan, Ayam Me Bhagavattara |
Ayam Me Vishwa Bheshajo, Ayam Shivaabhimarshanah ||

॥ RigVeda10.60.12 ॥


Both my hands are divine. They can bring prosperity. They can give a soothing effect. Moreover, theyare more powerful than being simply divine. All medicines for the diseases of the world lie on myhands.Touch of handsiscapablefor wellbeingandhealing.

Punchgavya (Five Elixirs of Cow)

Milk, Curd/Yogurt, Butter, Cow Urine, Cowdung

Significance of Panchgavya is known to us from centuries additionally portrayed in our Vedas and in Ayurvedas Medication Science. Panchgavya are utilizes in creating Ayurved drugs, Natural Fertilizers and Bug Controller etc. To secure Farmers and villagers financially through Panchgavya is one of our destination.
